Another Timbre TimHarrisonbre

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This page contains all recent CD releases,  from at200 to the present.

For at101 to at199 go here

For older CDs (at01 to at100)  go here   (Almost all the older discs are on sale at half price - £5 each)

For downloads of all our releases, go to our Bandcamp page here

CD’s that have sold out are marked with a red circle        (downloads of these are still available)

Those discs which are running low on copies are marked with a yellow circle

Click on covers for reviews, audio extracts, interviews & more information.

For earlier CDs at discount prices, go here

Page 3:  at 200 to the present

Teodora Stepancic GOMBERT FreyLongingLandscape Penumbra Harrison LCSflowersofemptiness Eden Lonsdale Dawnings Cat Lamb Curva Triangulus Jurg Frey percussion Magus Granberg Holde Traume paul paccione baldini maniera nomi epstein Martin Arnold Flax Denyer Screens paul newland Cat Lamb Kristofer Svensson Jurg Frey String Trio seamus cater Catherine Lamb - parallaxis forma Anthony Pateras Ogawa Railton Feldman Violin & String Quartet Sarah-Jane Summers Crane Natural World Voutchkova Davachi Granberg Evening Star Democ Neha Pauline Oliveros lonsdale Baldini Vesperi

at214   Anthony Pateras       at213  ‘fragments of reincarnation’ at212x2   Morton Feldman      at211  Sarah-Jane Summers     at210   Laurence Crane

      ‘A Dread of Voids’           Michiko Ogawa & Lucy Railton             ‘Violin & String Quartet’                     ‘Echo Stane’                         ‘Natural World’

                                                                                                      Apartment House                                                        Juliet Fraser & Mark Knoop          

Frey Borderland Melodies

at219   Paul Newland                at218  ‘Translucent Harmonies’      at217   Jürg Frey                   at216    Seamus Cater         at215   Catherine Lamb

    ‘things that happen again’      Cat Lamb & Kristofer Svensson              ‘String Trio’                  ‘A History of Musical Pitch’              ‘parallaxis forma’

           Apartment House                      andPlay                                  Apartment House                                                               Explore Ensemble

at205   Marco Baldini        


at209   Magnus Granberg        at208  Adrián Demoč              at207   Pauline Oliveros           at206    Eden Lonsdale

      ‘Evening Star, Vesper Bell’                  ‘Neha’                                  ‘Sound Pieces’              ‘Clear and Hazy Moons’

           Apartment House                                                                 Apartment House                   Apartment House

Iddon Naiads Bryn Harrison_Coiled Form Denyer Melodies

at235    Bryn Harrison

‘Towards a slowing of the past’

Mark Knoop & Roderick Chadwick

at234    G O M B E R T

Nicolas Gombert & James Weeks

           Apartment House

at233    Teodora Stepančić

               ‘O A  |  F G’

             Ordinary Affects

at232    Jürg Frey

        ‘Longing Landscape’

Prague Quiet Music Collective


at231    ‘Penumbra’

     Morgan Evans Weiler

         &  J.P.A. Falzone

at230    Linda Catlin Smith

       ‘Flowers of Emptiness’

            Apartment House

at221   Martin Arnold                at220   Frank Denyer  

                 ‘Flax’                                       ‘Screens’               Kerry Yong                         Octandre Ensemble     

at229   Adrián Demoč                at228x2   Eden Lonsdale         at227  Catherine Lamb           at226x2   Jürg Frey              at225x2   Magnus Granberg

           ‘Zamat’                                   ‘Dawnings’                              ‘Curva Triangulus’               ‘Outermost Melodies’                       ‘Holde Träume’

          Apartment House                                                                    Ensemble Proton                   Ian Antonio                    Nattens inbrott & Skogen             

at204 ‘Slow Poem for Stiebler’    at203x2   Frank Denyer            at202   Martin Iddon                 at201     Bryn Harrison               at200     Jürg Frey

            Sarah Davachi &                             ‘Melodies’                               ‘Naiads’                               ‘A Coiled Form’                   ‘Borderline Melodies’

        Biliana Voutchkova                      Scordatura Ensemble              Apartment House                          Sarah Saviet                      Apartment House

at224   Paul Paccione                at223   Marco Baldini                at222     Nomi Epstein

           ‘Distant Musics’                              ‘Maniera’                                   ‘shades’

       Apartment House                          Apartment House                   Apartment House